Zephyr's Blog


On Healing, Life Experiences & Spirituality with Tattiana Mai



How I met Tattiana Mai & How We Connected

Tattiana Mai. What a name! I know right? More on that later. I had arrived to Vancouver, Canada, on August 4th 2024 (Coincidence that it was Independence Day in the U.S.?) with my family to get our PR Cards for Canada.

After my wife and daughter left for Singapore after a week and a half there (where my wife works - as for me, I'm a freelancer), I continued to try to rent houses and see what I could do with my online business there, if anything at all. I was working on my YouTube channel tirelessly, when a new room-mate moved in to the third house I had moved into, and sort of threw my comfort zone in a tailspin for a few days - I guess as a family man at home of 36 years, I was already used to having a house, with all systems running and wasn't really into the rental, house-hopping and living-with-others type of life. He and I had a brief adjustment period and I'm glad to report we're now friends!

Within the first morning of meeting him, he invites me to an event by YVR Entrepreneurs' Club, founded and run by Brittany Michalchuk and former partner Chris Wolfe. It was an excellent get together and I was even weeping at some points due to the healing occurring (normal for me as a person with 5 planets in Scorpio, but not so normal in public: I'm usually polished to a shine in public, behaviour wise). Being a foreigner and new to the country (although I'm a PR), I thought networking would be the way forward, for sure, to both build connections and battle loneliness (although I thrive alone).

As we were mingling before the event started I ran into Tattiana, and while she did dress pretty simply, I could just tell by her Aura that there was something deep there. Come to think of it, I like to do the same. Dress simply, and stun others with the rest of my personality and work (I'm not saying that's the aim of my work, but that's just what naturally happens when complex and deep people dress inconspicuously in contrast to their personalities or interests... which happens a lot in the Entrepreneur space, if you've been keeping up with modern and cutting-edge principles when it comes to hyper-charging progress in this space (I'm not a fan of hyper-charging anything and leading to burnout, BUT, it does come with advantages in the decision fatigue space to dress simple)). These are my words about the dressing, not Tattiana's, and I must disclaim right here that I have not a clue about women's dressing. I just thought she was simple, yet powerful. All black.

All black. Yet a bright and cheerful face. Looking around simply and smiling and laughing a little. Yet with deep, piercing eyes. She appeared to be bubbly. Yet she was wearing spectacles... conveying some serious intellect and potential (work and Soul mission wise). She was standing with two other ladies, Robyne (one of the healers for the event) and Fabiana, and while I was talking to the three of them I couldn't help but notice this warm and hugely welcoming (that's the wrong word, let's say... engulfing) vibe coming from her. You know when someone has this magnetic and deep presence all at the same time? Like a vortex of energy.

In my mind... although this was already seeming like a very mystical event, I could only think of one word. Witch. And I say that in a good way, because I'm a bit of a mystic and psychic myself. Really, I'm a Wizard, or a male Witch, however you want to look at this. More on the testimonials page (and some psychic abilities haven't been listed on the site including face reading).

After the event had ended, I stayed back to talk to anyone I could, to make new friends and reach out to people and get to know them deeper. I wanted to talk to Brittany, because well, it was her event and since I was a guest of Kevin's, and it was my first time, she had agreed to let me come free-of-charge. I wanted to know more about who she was and how this event had come to be.

As I was talking to her, and we were both reflecting on life a little and I'm staring off into the distance, Tattiana comes over and goes, "Hey how are you, how did you like the event?"... or something to that effect. That's when I realised that I had been so swept up in the event, that I had forgotten that I was supposed to look for interesting stories to cover for my Blog. 

So I reached out to Tattiana after the event and asked her if she would like to share her life a little bit, with my viewers and readers. She said yes and here we are. Reader discretion is advised, some of these are not light topics. 


Long Answer Questions (Feel free to answer these with any length of response you prefer.)

1. Your name sounds pretty exotic. What's the story about the ethnicity or origins of it, and of you?

My name is a Russian name, but my parents are ironically not Russian. I'm technically half Chinese; my mom is Chinese and my Dad is Canadian (possibly part Indigenous, as he was adopted).

Follow-Up Question: Do you feel this eclectic background contributes to your skillset and the magic which is Tattiana, or do you feel like it might have been better to have a solid singular culture growing up and go deeper into it, later into your upbringing and explorations? Is there anything else you feel about your background?

Follow-Up Answer: I love that I can draw from multiple cultural experiences, and I believe it helps me be open to diverse people and their different perspectives. I've been exposed to so many different ways of living, and I draw from all places and experiences. Combining everything to create a unique perspective of my own. And maybe in the end, I can help others to see and understand different perspectives as well. 



2. How did you come upon working with your voice / the voices of others etc.? Was it with you for a long time in a hidden way, or were you always the speaker/actor/performer even as a child? 

I started professionally voice acting just over 5 years ago. I was trained at a school in Vancouver called "On The Mic". They are a fully accredited program for voice acting. When I was a child I did very minor on screen acting, but I was mainly interested in singing, and I still do sing, along with my voice acting. The thing I struggled with was between the ages of about 18 and 30, I wasn't singing, or using my voice in any way. I was struggling with severe depression, mental health issues, and abusive relationships. But that all changed when I got together with my long time friend, and now husband, Spencer.

Follow-Up Question: It almost feels like you're a HSP (highly sensitive person). I surely am one and I'm guessing here, but do you feel like you sort of become the things, people and behaviours around you in that they affect you? A lot of us were healers in past lives and we bring these skillsets with us into this one. Without feeling others' pain and "negativity", we wouldn't be able to help them.

Follow-Up Answer: Yes, I would definitely say I'm a HSP, and I used to struggle with getting too emotionally sucked into the people around me. I do agree that my experience has helped me understand how to help others so much more.

Follow-Up Question: Also, do you feel you've become a stronger person now that you can perhaps know what caused you depression and mental health issues? They say we go to therapy because of the people around us who won't. Do you feel a lot wiser and better able to cope with these things should they ever arise again like they do for most humans?

Follow-Up Answer: I am stronger in so many ways, and not just from therapy. I've gone through spiritual awakening and confronted some hard realities. But I realise now it was a journey I had to go on to become the person I am today. And I truly believe there is great power in transmuting your own pain into prosperity.

Tackling my mental health will always be a part of my life. I still go through periods where I can be overcome by darkness, but I have the tools and support now to make it a lot easier to handle.

3. What exactly does your business do currently (and it's ok if there are no "exact" clients - maybe just describe all of it, or some of it).

I'm currently doing a few different things for my business. I mainly used to work with Voice Actors coaching them through auditions and helping them with career goals. I wanted to start to transition that into helping more entrepreneurs and people with difficulties with public speaking. Additionally, I am training to become a coach specialising in helping women who are transitioning careers (as I have done this about 3 times in my life) and, in a more serious regard, helping women rebuild their lives after they have fled abuse.

4. Are you married / single, what does your family look like?

I am currently married to an amazing man named Spencer. He's an audio engineer and producer. He's been my number one supporter and helped me regain my confidence over the last few years. We have a daughter together who is 2 years old, and I have a 10 year old son from a previous relationship. He basically considers Spencer his Dad.

Follow-Up Question: You don't have to answer if you feel it's a touchy subject, but as someone from the outside looking in, I'm curious, as I used to work with kids for 10 years straight and they mean a lot to me and I have my own too (as I'm sure others will be)... do kids ever ask about their parents from previous relationships? If so, how do you handle this extremely delicate situation in your own experience / words so that we could all learn from you, should the situation ever arise? 

Follow-Up Answer: I've always tried to be open and honest with my Son, but in a compassionate way. He understands his Dad isn't able to be responsible for him right now, that his mind is sick in a way, but he (my Son) just doesn't quite understand the complexities of addiction and mental illness. I know as time goes on, he'll start to understand more, and he might change his mind and want to see him again, but I know that will be a choice he needs to make, and I will be there to support whatever he chooses.

I'm a really big family person so I still stay in contact with his grandparents, and he has an amazing relationship with them and his extended family. I really believe that kids thrive from having as much diverse support as possible, especially from family. 

5. Your insta headline says "connector"... what do you mean by "connector"?

Connector. While it may seem to be about people, it's more about the connection between everything. I've always seemed to be really good at connecting to what's happening in the world at a larger scale. I'm good at making the connections between physical/mental/spiritual, and helping people make connections they might not have realised existed. Everything starts with connection. On all levels.


6. What do you enjoy?

Currently I am attempting to discover what I enjoy again. I know that I really enjoy traveling, I want to go to Germany, England, Japan, New York, Dubai, but it's quite difficult to do with kids at the moment. But I do enjoy nature quite a lot, flowery gardens, lush green forests. I do tend to go on road trips through BC, so that's the bit of traveling I do get to do, and mix it with the enjoying the beautiful scenery. Some other things I do enjoy on occasion is crafting such as knitting, sewing and soap making. I also enjoy doing bare bow archery for recreation, though I have never gone bow hunting.

Follow-Up Question: Do you feel spiritual and refreshed in nature, and if I may venture... like an Earth Witch/Faery? How do you feel nature nourishes you? (There are no wrong answers, feel free to wax lyrical.)

Follow-Up Answer: I definitely love being in nature, and you could say I'm a witchy lady of sorts, I do have a pointy black hat and a black dress in my closet 😂 I just absolutely love connecting with nature, communing with the earth and spirits. As a child I loved learning of herbs and medicinal plants, and I loved being in the garden with my grandparents. And of course I love animals, and used to get called a “Disney Princess” because I could get birds and small animals to come to me. But I dunno if I truly am a witch, maybe more like an Alchemist, because I like to see spirituality as a science almost. I've studied so many teachings, so many methods, and then I like to condense it down to my unique way of understanding. My obsession with connection basically. Connecting mental, physical, spiritual, and finding ways of condensing that information into digestible bites for others. Turning the “lead” of the unknown into a life of “gold”?

7. As I'm scrolling through your Instagram I can't help but notice the similarities (between me and you) and mix of vocals/music, nature and greenery, and spirituality and wisdom. In your own words, how are all of these linked, if at all? Many people, and myself, we feel this link in our Soul, but many slightly... asleep... people might be like... "Oh she has 3 hobbies!" HAHAHA. So for their benefit, would you like to share anything with them?

All things are connected. From our body to our voice, to our environment, nature, to our minds and Souls. And I do feel that is part of our Divine purpose as humans, to be first disconnected from everything, so that we may see and be reconnect to everything. My base spiritual principles stem from SACRED Geometry, so I look at connection in those terms. A fractal pattern that expands infinitely, into infinite possibilities. I could honestly go on for hours expanding and refining any connection, but in essence, that's the perspective I take.

8. What drives you?

In essence, I believe it's a combination of hope, truth, liberty and love. I'm always looking to find these aspects in everything I do in my life. But in immediate terms, my family is what drives me the most, especially to become a better person every day. But deep down, it's probably a fear of being forgotten that really drives me. I don't want to be forgotten to time. I want to be remembered for making a positive impact on humanity, in ways that last for generations. Is it possible? I'm sure it is, but I also accept it’s not exactly for me to decide. So I always strive to create connection and encourage growth wherever I go.

9. As a person with SO MUCH PASSION... how do you switch off for the night... for health reasons?

Switching off is definitely HARD for me, I have a pretty hard rule of 30 min alone time away from devices and noise before I go to bed. But I really enjoy self care and wellness, getting massages, aromatherapy and nice calming music. And if I'm really still struggling to relax or sleep, dancing it out always helps. There are some “dance along” Bollywood videos on YouTube I love 😂

10. What would you say to someone who said, "All musicians who can't make it become teachers."

I would respond, “Not all musicians can be GREAT teachers, not all teachers can be GREAT musicians. But each NEEDS the other to be GREAT.” Teaching is a skillset on its own. You can be amazing at something, but have no idea how to teach someone else! Same as the other way around, but a musician will never become great until they have a teacher who can help them recognise their skills. Everything is connected. For me personally, I take on the Philosophy of “Teach/Learn Learn/Teach”, you are learning from a teacher, and also learning through teaching. You begin to create an understanding of the material that expands your perspectives, and build a deeper connection to everything.

11. I once had a "friend" who asked... "What have musicians even done for the world?" What would you reply to a person like that?

Music and musicians connect us to the invisible world, to our primordial essence, to Source. Like all creators, musicians convey to us the sounds that touch us deep within, that evoke the emotions hidden with our subconscious minds. It reminds us of our humanity, but also of our connection to all things.

12. Would you recommend someone new to spirituality learn from just one "guru"... or be a student of the world?

I always recommend everyone do what they believe is correct for them. If they feel called to a certain path, then go all in, but I always remind everyone that no path is the same, that you may learn from one teacher, and move on to another. You may learn from hundreds of different teachers and carve a path of your own. I do not believe in ONE right way, I believe in the way that is right for you.



13. Any favourite crystals you resonate with?

I have always loved Amethyst, as it is my birthstone. I also really like Sapphires and Peridot. I personally have a small collection of different gems and minerals from all over the world. 

14. Would you say it's important to practise vocals daily?

For myself, yes. I do some kind of speaking or recording almost every day, so I'm always doing vocal exercises and warm ups. Personally, I think everyone should start their day with some light vocal exercises to clear out their sinuses and some facial massage to loosen up the jaw.

15. What do you hope you are able to pass on to your children?

I hope to show them how to thrive in the world, but also how to be resilient in a way that is holistic. How to be compassionate and understanding towards all people.

16. Do you believe in "right" and "wrong" or are you more metaphysical than that?

I believe right and wrong are human constructs. We use ethics and morality to create a social contract, but in nature there is only truth of what is. But since I'm a human, I do feel strongly towards some things being “wrong”, like slavery or genocide.

17. "All spiritualists are quacks." - Your response?

Quackery is a funny word. But I don't believe anyone is truly a “quack” necessarily. I believe that we all need to learn our own discernment of what we believe is helpful or not. There will always be people who try to manipulate and deceive, and it's up to us to figure that out through experience.


Yes or No Questions  (Try to stick to yes or no if you can, but feel free to say anything you like and wax lyrical.)


1. Chocolate? No, I actually really don't like chocolate at all. 

2. Sex Toys? Sure! I like some fun with my partner. 

3. Meditation? Yes, daily. 

4. Card Games? Yes, Magic: The Gathering

5. Gambling? Not really, only lotto tickets occasionally. 

6. Hugs? I LOVE hugs! 

7. Coffee? No caffeine for me, I'm very sensitive to it, and it makes my anxiety bad. 

8. Tea? I really enjoy Peppermint tea and Chamomile tea. 

9. Soft Drinks? Not too often. 

10. Desk Jobs? I worked in an office once. 

11. Dance? I love dancing! 

12. A.I.? I love using AI as a tool to help me enhance and refine my current skills. 

13. Planting More Trees? Yes! 

14. Chopping Down Trees? Depending on the industry. Old growth logging, no, but proper forestry management, yes. 

15. Paperless Transactions? As long as there is an ability to print a record at some time then it's ok. 

16. Banks? A necessary evil…. For now anyways… 

17. Lying Naked On The Beach? Yes! 

18. Modelling? I haven't ever done it myself, but maybe? 

19. TV Shows? Yes! 

20. Alcohol? Very little, only on special occasions. 

21. 15 - Minute Cities? Sounds restrictive and scary to me. 

22. Is the world ruled by a few companies? I believe the world is ruled by a few key nameless families that then own everything else, and they socially engineer the market so they remain in power. 

23. Is The Great Awakening important? Very important to our whole planet! 

24. Are you a Lightworker? I wouldn't identify as that, as I don't tend to like labels. 

25. Are you a psychic? I don't claim to be, but I suppose I have some abilities that could be considered “psychic”. 

26. Do you believe in labels when it comes to spiritual modalities? I don't exactly identify with any particular label. Maybe just a spiritual Alchemist. 

27. Does free energy exist? Yes. Energy is all around us, and free energy exchange happens every day. We just haven't figured out how to translate that into a mass scale for modern people. 

28. Are there only 2 genders (in your experience so far)? There are two sexes, but gender is a funny thing to me. I see things more in a balance of energies, Male and Female. Each person must determine what they feel is their balance. But DENIAL of who you are will lead to pain and destruction, always. This could honestly be a whole other discussion on its own. 

29. Are hustle culture and entrepreneurship over-hyped? Hustle culture is for sure over hyped. It's a denial of our nature and what we need to thrive as humans - connection. I believe entrepreneurship can be done without the hustle.  




I want to thank Tattiana for allowing me to interview her and gain insights into her world, from which we can all learn something. I wish Tattiana the best in everything her heart desires. She also records really pleasant voice overs, and you'll see from the examples on her site that they have a really warm tone. I'm blessed to have been connected with this nature-loving, music-loving, honest and open person in Vancouver. It's been a pleasure, Tattiana.




Connect With Tattiana


Website: http://tattianamai.com

Voice Over Work: https://tattianamai.com/vo/ 

Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/tattiana.mai

Threads: https://www.threads.net/@tattiana.mai

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@b.u.tea



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